作为国际化的专业不动产投资管理公司,LMVG瓴狮发展创立于新加坡,核心管理团队来自于凯德、丰树、柏威年、太平星、DLJ、GLP等国际知名机构。得益于团队多年来在世界各地取得的瞩目成就和丰富资源,LMVG瓴狮发展在中国挑选“新经济热点下核心城市的科技产业” 、“智慧康养”、“一线城市的地标型综合地产项目”三个主要赛道,专注于精选项目的投资、开发、改造及运营, 创造有时代影响力的作品。
LMVG was founded in Singapore and position itself as an international real estate investment and management company. The core team members are from international well-known institutions such as CapitaLand, Mapletree, Pavilion, Pacific star, DLJ and GLP with remarkable track records and together have built up abundant resources over the years. LMVG has three main business tracks in China: ‘High Tech business park’, ‘Smart and healthy elderly care industry’ and ‘Landmark development or AEI with operation’. All tracks will seek relevance in first tier and core cities.
Investment and operation of business parks
Smart elderly care development/AEI
Landmark development/AEI, and operation

Fully aware of the opportunities in China, LMVG leverages on its international-level project development and operation capabilities with industrial funds and Singapore family funds, focusing on the creation of a good customer base. From 2024 to 2026, LMVG’s AUM includes the following billion-dollar developments: the planning, the development of business park and smart elderly care in Greater Shanghai, Greater Beijing, and Yangtze River Delta; and development and operation of urban renewal projects in the central of Shanghai.